
This is a personal website with a little side hustle:

You are being watched! I can make you ‘disappear’. Whether you just want to clean up your digital trails and improve privacy or literally need to disappear we can make it happen. Services include personal or business privacy hardening, strategic relocation and offshore financial guidance. In addition, we can tailor

You could possibly see or read just about anything here. Those easily offended likely will be. This is NOT a safe space. Below tags make for easy navigation.


This is what I like to call my 'elevator pitches'. Short, sweet or sour, to the point and around 200 words. Feelings and grammar be damned!


Personal security (PERSEC) in the digital age, especially as it pertains to privacy, is quickly becoming a forgotten concept. Digital privacy threat vectors are explored and explained.


I love the pure mental masturbation of UAPs, ETs, paranormal, unexplained, occult, etc. Healthy skepticism will be employed when looking into different subjects.


Film reviews of the American Film Institute (AFI) - AFI's 100 Years...100 Movies first released in 1998. You are probably thinking... film reviews of good movies? Not all of them are good but merited inclusion for whatever reasons. The great ones stand the test of time. All reviewed through 'lens' of modern era.


I have a type...